Facing Fear

I never know I can dance...never know Jamming is this fun! :)...never know that my body will just move with the beat.....until~ Body Jam comes into my life....that is why I love Jam so much!!....:)

With FoFo, NaNa and Daddy
Going to have my first SoLo Body Jam class tomorrow....! but I am feeling worried....and doubtful.......there are a lot of 'what if' that is hunting behind.....'what if I forget the choreo? ...'what if my stamina won't last me through...afterall the training I get in the last 5 days was continuously 12 hours of shopping??? .....

I know they are eating up my energy...and I am trying my best to connect to myself to be in power again in order for me to woosh this off.

I just realised that 'when things mean so much to you...you will zoom into in......and fear of losing it.'......hmm....I think this means I need to zoom out...look at the big picture...why I do jam at the first place??
I want to enjoy dancing...have fun and at the same time sharing the fun with a group of people...while making them fitter...how cool is that!! :)....this is what I want...I will have to accept the challenges that comes with it...
Jamming :)
I need to overcome my fear....and I only know the only way to overcome it...is to KEEP DOING IT...
Tomorrow after 8.30p.m.....I know I will be a better person. Ming Ming...what ever happens, it's there to grow me. Be brave!

Support me through, K?

Thanks Bloggie...


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