
What are you going to do...when you have a few notes that look like this...:

non english....with a man on it....saying it's worth 9000 of somewhat currency....
hmm...i think i saw a few 'w's and 'u's in it..but what is it trying to say??? no idea...
the more I look at it...the more I feel that man is looking at me....Gee~

At time like this....I just need to ask my God~, he knows everything:

Welcome to my GOD: GOOGLE.COM

and this is what my God said...
1) it's not 9000's 1000 la

2)'s Thai Baht..!! exactly what I need for my trip..:)...but I haven't found the best rate available in kuching....

 See...the man on the left...matches the right....and did you realise there is this smaller version of this same man in the middle???...Memang real note lah!!

and 3) my God also say: that man is no ordinary man...he is the King of Thailand...King Bhumibol...*quickly RESPECT*

WA~~!! King Bhumibol has grown so much since then....he looks totally different from the notes!...
Now I wonder how Queen Elizabeth looks like right now??

Not like this eh???....


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