Bangkok: Shop Eat Talk part 2

Alright! Sunday night. :)
My girls joined in...and we decided to go to Suan Lum Night chill out at that area.

Cool shirts that changes if I am in a pub...

Colourful lights :)
Still heaps of things to see but I reckon after a long day of shopping...TIP # 7: do non shopping stuff at night to prepare yourself for the next a Massage or like these fellow here....Fish Spa...

The fish got their favourite feet.....I wonder if they all died the next day???

Now this is a mini tuk-tuk....made from recycling cans...
the real tuk-tuk parking along the road...

p/s: please don't ask me how much it costs...I changed my mind (although it's in my to TRY list)...after witnessing the tuk-tuk overtaking our speeding taxi!

Monday morning...our schedule was The Platinum Mall and Central world...
We decided to walk there with the map in our hands since it's jut near by...

At a place like's very easy to lost the girls (including me!)...everyone would be handphone...SHOP FIRST!! but TIPS....Tip # 8: Stay as a group or at least close by...because you can get it even cheaper if you bought 3 pces of clothes or one person get one and you get cheap cheap that is what I call GROUP POWER!!...

then by the end of the will look like this.....
  bags and bags of shopping bags!!!
And it's only in BKK that I realised....shoppers are divided into 3 groups:

1) the inexperienced shopper = the one using plastic bags (3 of us fit here)
2) the on training shoppers = those using recycling bags....(Wyndie fits here)
3) the experienced shoppers = like this....

Tip # 9 : Bringing an empty luggage....and filled it up while you shop!!!!

One word: GENG!!

But can really spend a lot on shopping here...

TIP # 10: 15 baht in the safe to send yourself to airport (if you are staying in Baiyoke too)'s very likely that you will overspend till you leave yourself no $$ to take a train.

Just look at these.... (not's the Queen's)
believe me now?? ;P
Okay..going to update about food in Bkk soon...

(to be continued)


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