Bangkok: Pre-travel

Alright! :)...2 hours before my trip...*happy*....
With only 7kg of hand luggage to spend...I have to be really..ahh- hem...'SMART' with what I want to bring along....

 There you go...every single MINI neccessity!!!...from kidz toothbrush...face mask...cleansing foam (sample pack from my patient...hehe) etc....
Even what I wear..has to be planned....Those that weigh heavier...put them on...then pack short pants and singlets...x 2 sets...
Hehe..I also emptied my hand bad.....hohoho...I think can stuff another 3 kg??
WAH~!! first time being so KIA SU!!

Aiya..anyway.... let me check if I got everything:
passport - tick
air tix - tick
camera - tick (don't forget the charger)
handphone - tick (CHARGER)
must not forget CONVERTER....die lo if no converter bring camera and handphone also no use... - got it
$$ and lots of $$ - tick$$
emptied luggage - tick

Okay!! I am ready for my Bangkok trip!! :)
Here ~ I come!!!


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