My silly 20.10.2010

looks like a math question doens't it....??
but's 20th October 2010...a silly day for me.
It was pouring when I left work ....
came to the toll and had to get my rear window down to pay for the fee....
the next thing that happened was....

'What is it??' I was thinking in my head...pushing every button I can find that was located on the door......and I even tried to pull it up myself....but..NOPE...nothing worked.....

I looked at the side mirror and saw the cars are queueing behind's getting longer...
'Oh man!!! *&*%*#$@ ....why it got stuck at this time...??? WHEN IT"S POURING??'

so I drove off from the toll ....leaving it open...just imagine 2 x A4 size of a space for the rain to pour in...making half of my body wet and I don't know what kind of material I was wearing...but it sure suck in the water well!! ^&$#%&*$#@#$

I think people who drove past me must be thinking...'this lady is crazy!! raining still open the window ah?'...
aiya~!! whatever...they don't know me anyway!

I never gave up fixing the window on the way home...
Even when I reached the traffic lights....I am still PULLING and PRESSING and emotions were mixed with anger and amazement.....until Angel appear and said 'Ming Ming, appreciate the car, at least you don't have to walk home....'.....
*check out this entry: Monkey learn more about Angel*

Just when I was learning to calm down....a motorbike stopped in front of my car....and the rider had no rain coat at all....he was totally wet....!! and he was wearing white pants....and...and ...I saw something that I don't want to see.............try this: you wet your white pants and put it on.........get it?
*can't hold it*......ok ok.......hahaha
*whisper in your ear* it's dark in colour....~~ I really appreciate my car...thanks to him! :P


  1. the undies is dark in colour or.. just some part is dark.. some is flesh colour?
    if it is the former.. cheh.. nothing la.. watch angmo movie alot la..
    if it is the later.. hey! how u can saw it.. u shud be seeing his butt if he were infront of u!! hahaha~

  2. i will have nightmare if it's the butt that i saw..undies e...for you nothing but i haven't seen one ma


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