
This is Jam!!!

This is also Jam!!!

What are the differences???
the former makes me think about this....

Scones with jam ^^..........
Would be nice if next to it there is a cup of tea...they are a perfect match!!
Just imagine the sweetness from the jam and the slight buttery taste being tame by the tea...giving a refreshing aftertaste..............
...aiyo~~!!! got cravings already!!

and the later one.....can only make people feel like this....

I was stuck in a 'Jam' yesterday morning on my way to work.....it was so bad that I worried it could be an accident!!.....
The traffic was so slow that I thought taking a bus 11 would  be much quicker..........
No!!...not this kind of Bus 11....

I mean this kind of Bus 11........

See...the legs pose for 11....

but hor.....after that I learnt that there was no car accident........and I seriously don't understand why do we need traffic police at 2 consecutive cross junctions when the TRAFFIC LIGHTS are working perfectly FINE....that really bugged me!!...

What is this??......just creating more JAM!!! and I had to drive faster to compensate for the time I got stuck there to make sure I am ON TIME for work!!...huh! that was really a live show of  'AMAZING RACE'...

I am not saying I hate them. In fact, I would appreciate their help at roundabouts...but not at places that doesn't even need their services....it's just a waste of human resources..petrol...our time....creating more pollutants...and in the end we risk our lives driving faster...how le like this...??

I can even put it in an equation:
Jam = waste of resources = waste of time =  waste of our petrol (I just feed my car le...sayang the oil!!) = bad quality air = risk of speeding = risk our lives

Summarised as : JAM = RISK OUR LIVES....
* Equation sponsored by Prof El*

I really felt like scrolling down my window screen and said:
Wei~!! you show us Jam!
I show you Jam too....



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