Last updated: 14.05.2019 I thought my blog is pretty much 'dead'. But when I saw this post appearing in a mommy group, I was surprised to see the number of clicks on this post! I am so sorry for not updating this, being a mommy to a 2-year-old is just overwhelming. Anyway, I am going to clean up and tidy up this post: Today! Part 1: There are a few things I need to clarify: 1) How the CL got into this list? I compiled the list when I was pregnant in 2015 and I search through the CL recommendations in mommy group, which means, at least ONE MOMMY recommended the CL that's how they got into this list. 2) How realiable are the recommendations? That, you need to find out yourself through interviewing the CL and asking on groups/friends for reviews because I don't know the relationship of the mommy who recommended the CL (could it be someone who had hired the CL? or neighbour of a CL? or the daughter of a CL? okay, maybe overthinking, but please find out...
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