Joke of the Day #19: I want my RICE!!!

I miss Kenny......

He was away for one week, back for less than 24 hours and he flew off again. 

Sometimes, I wonder if my fiance has another identity - Superman!

Even if that is true, with his lightning speed whenever I need him, he should just turn up liddat *snap fingers* right? Didn't happen leh.


只能看看手机里的相片and I saw this photo.


At our new nest meeting up our ID while Kenny eats/dapao food for me.

Kenny: I'm home~~~! Are you starving?

Me: A~~Ha~~~!! *Grab lunch*

Kenny: Awwwww~ my poor baby!

*Eagerly open up lunch*

Me: HARRRR????!!! Onion Head Smiley


Me: Where is my Rice?! They~ forgot~ MY~ RICE~~!! Onion Head Smiley

Kenny: No baby! That's what I ordered!

Me: HARRRRR???!!

Me: I want my rice!!! Onion Head Smiley

Kenny: It's okay baby, that's what I have for lunch!

Me: It's not filling enough for me without the rice~!! I want my rice! Onion Head Smiley

Kenny: You'll feel full wan after eating that!

Me: I~WANT~MY~RICCCEEEE~! Onion Head Smiley

Me: ...... I~WANT~MY~RICCCEEEE~! Onion Head Smiley 

(Kenny sneaks away Onion Head Smiley)

Nah Nah Nah, you judge lah 这么少塞牙缝都不够啦!

Am I right or not! 

Onion Head Smiley 这个dear dear啊, 真拿你没办法!


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