Taiwan: Ruili (瑞里)

(Apology! Got caught up lately and this post got extensively delayed.  Really Sorry!!  *spank self + 20 push up* T.T Am I forgiven?)

*continuing from Taiwan: Alishan Forest recreation Area - Ruili (阿里山国家森林遊乐区 - 瑞里)*

Ruili (瑞里) is one of the places that I would want to visit again! 

Perhaps it was the glowing mushrooms and fireflies we saw on the first night, that adds the extra charm to this lush green peaceful heaven.

We woke up the second day and realized we were sleeping just next to the Tea Plantation! :D :D  

If you are lucky, you’ll get to see the locals picking the tea buds but we woke up sooooo late (everyone else in the guest house checked out dy except us tsk tsk tsk).

Outside our room is a complete tea set for brewing Alishan High Mountain tea! DIY + FOC!

Hahaha! Need some help from YouTube on tea brewing tutorial! LOL!

How do they process the tea you asked? Nah, I got pictorial illustration!

Tea leaves need air con too. LOL!



Tip # 1: you can buy Alishan High Mountain tea from our host阿本 located at 78.8

Well, that is if you overnight at his guesthouse lah. You can always ask the locals for the nearest place to buy it. Local GPS are very helpful.

Just next to the Guest house is 阿本’s house and that is where we had our Taiwanese breakfast!

Served with rice porridge of course (got toast also)!

But rice porridge is never filling for me T.T  I wanted to have some toast but Kenny is full with the porridge dy. T.T How can I eat more than a guy? *shooting the thought of eating toast dead*

*pout* Okay, I am ready to go!

Super love this photo here! It captured the moment!

Tip # 2: Click here for a full list of B & B in Alishan. Remember to book earlier cause they get taken up fast! Tip # 3: The locals will tell you the location by numbers, e.g. 78.8, it’s the plate by the road side they are referring to (in ascending order) so just drive till you reach 78.8 and that is where 阿本的家is!

A quick couple shot on Day 4!

Hahahahahaha! I am so not ready!

Take 2!

Our first stop was Yuan Tan Creek Ecological Park (圆潭生态园区) apostrophe S café (Geddit geddit??)! HAHAHAHA! Too hungry thirsty! LOL!  

If you op for other activities, Tip # 4: Alishan Travel map has all the useful info you need e.g. scenic spots, food and accommodation etc. All nicely pile up! 

love the blue blue sky! ^^ ^^

These posters on the way up to the cafe gave the big hint on what to have in Alishan! 

So there you go, Tip # 5: the must try food in Alishan: Bamboo shoots, Sweet persimmons, Fig jelly, Tea, Plum, Coffee!

Hello doggie!

Found this 4 legged fellow at Yuan Tan Creek Ecological Park (圆潭生态园区), looking really lost!

Just as Kenny and I were reading the sign board, we felt the sudden strong pulling forces traveling horizontally on our feet! For the first 5 seconds, I thought I was light-headed cause no one responded, until a Taiwanese aunty shrieked ‘EARTHQUAKE!!!’


SIE LOH!! RUN OR HIDE?!! *panic*

Why so lucky wan??

We have not a clue what to do but stood there really still (like a tree wtf, no awareness wan). 

Tip # 6:For your info, this is what you should do during earthquake! 


Found my answer to my query too, DON’T RUN! Cause it’s more likely you’ll be injured by fallen objects!

Sad to say, just less than 1km away from where we were, a car was hit by fallen rocks, claiming the life of the driver.  The Centre of the quake was coming from NanTou (南投) with a magnitude of 6.7, even XiaMen (厦门) China felt the shake!

Road close due to fallen rocks!
We were so ignorant and yet so lucky! Why is life so fragile? *tears* 

Come to think about it, we should find shelter in case the after quake hits in! Being veryyyyy ignorant, we thought since the 10 sec long quake was over! Things were back to normal and we continued trekking nearby! Tsk Tsk Tsk!

Bad Idea!

If another quake happens we have no way to hide, what more to mention getting assistance!

Anyhow, the naive two went to the Tieren YunTan Waterfall (云谭瀑布) safely!

Quoted directly from the info board:

As a result of intertwining sand rocks and shale, the mountains of Ruili are a combination of faults and folds. 
Water erosion of this delicate structure and land elevation over the years has led to the formation of YunTan. 
The 3-tiered cascade measures 26.3m high, 1.87m in width with a plunge pool of 2m deep. Rainbows sometime show their faces when high moisture meets the sunlight.

We didn't see any rainbow, but it's peaceful enough :).

Well, if you asked me, it’s pretty but Jangkar Waterfall in Kuching is the prettiest! (hahaha bias opinion lol! will blog after taiwan post)

By the time we returned to Yuan Tan Creek Ecological Park to get our bike, we were hungry dy.

We drove around and found 阿喜紫藤at 77k. 

I find it interesting!~

They provide B &B and they run a café at the same time. What’s more, they have their own coffee plantation! 

Here is 阿喜紫藤 website to click for more info! Tip #7: Mind you, the way to 阿喜紫藤is very steep, do drive carefully. And guess what, the entrance to 瑞太古道 is just next to it! (The locals said there are a few entry point to 瑞太古道, and obviously this is one of it) 

Luck wasn’t with us! It was off operating hours dy when we reached 阿喜紫藤, so we detoured to 瑞太古道instead. 

It was said that 瑞太古道is 5.2km long, linking 3 villages. It was an important trail in the old days but I guess now that we have proper roads, this trail is more for tourists dy! There are a few more attractions along the way like牛樟巨木, 忘憂林 etc. 

Well, we didn’t get to see it; we were attacked by mosquitoes so badly we just have to give up half way. T.T so alang alang wan.Tip #8: Good idea to bring mosquito repellent or a patch along.

We tried looking for other cafes nearby but our timing wasn’t right (too late for lunch and too early for dinner). Tip # 9: Join the lunch hour rush unless you brought your own food.

In the end, we bought instant noodle in an old retail shop. Lol who would have guessed instant noodle save us. Lol! 

Next destination: 

Bat Cave – Swallow cliff – Lover’s suspension bridge!

They are just next to each other, so ‘one stone kills three birds’. LOL!

Haha that's my hands there pretending to be bat! LOL! 

Wahhhh!! Look at this!! We are heading downhill man, DOWNHILL!!

Tip # 10: The stairs are pretty well maintained so overall it's quite pleasurable!  However, two things to note, one, bring water! You'll thank yourself after that! Two, start your trek early so you won't trap there at night (there's no lights)

If I am not mistaken, Kenny told me there are 1500+ steps altogether! Jeng Jeng Jeng! Here we go!

Of course, if you are running short of time, I can tell you the fastest way to get there.....
Just rooooolllllll your way down!!


(OF COURSE I am joking!!)

 Ahh! Finally!

"The holes above the caves are formed by river erosion over millions of years. The lack of sunlight provides a safe haven for bats. Even though the increasing numbers of tourists have scared away many bats, the black feces scattered on the ground show that there are still some bats around."

No sign of bats tough. I think the last bit is outdated dy. 

 Anyhow at 70m ahead, is Swallow cliff!

It's so beautiful!

(From another view)

Love this one! 
*Impressive* It's structure is finer than cake lapis! 

That is the Lover's Suspension bridge!

Hehe! Here are the lovers! Hahahaha, I know I am very thick skinned sometimes! LOL!

We actually recorded a video while crossing this bridge. The suspension bridge has two things I am afraid of:  heights and the swigging motion!! T.T My body just turned stiff! 

 Made it to the other side!!

I told Kenny: We just past Lover's suspension bride! Let's try the Husband and Wife bridge! *excited*
Hahahaha!! I was referring the same bridge at opposite direction lol! I think in reality, No such bridge lah!

Uh Oh! Sun set dy! We need to rush back! Here is one useful tip. Tip # 11: Play music! The journey up maybe tough but music will get you there! We only took 30 mins up! All thanks to the latest hitx! HeHe!

700 steps to go!
Aiya! Salah!

Hahaha become 007 ki! LOL!

Salah again! lol!

Hahaha Finally!

Hu! Good workout! :) 

It got dark dy, perfect timing to catch the fireflies in actions again before we leave! (we came in too late yesterday so didn't get to see as much fireflies!) Tip # 12: Time to watch Fireflies is 7-8pm. Do you know that once they mate their lights are 'TURN OFF' lol. Hahahaha! So cute! They need privacy too Lol!!

Bye Bye Ruili! See you next time!

Another 2 hours drive to Jia Yi (嘉义) and tomorrow we are off to PengHu Islands (澎湖岛).

And that was what happened on 2nd of June. :) :) 


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