Joke of the Day #1

Kid: Mommy, if I kiss a boy will I have baby later?

Mommy: @.@" !!! At this age, you can only kiss Mommy and Daddy!

Mommy: *continues* When you turn 21, only then you can kiss a boy!

Mommy: *pause for a sec* But before you kiss him, YOU GOTTA ASK MOMMY FIRST!!!

(I was thinking 'Thank goodness she is not my Mom!! LOL)

Kid: But I thought you are DEAD already when I am 21?!

Mommy:....*SPEECHLESS*....Onion Head Smiley

HAHAHAHA!! Hilarious!!

That the joke from my Sis and niece. My sis said that my niece wrote ' Felicia love xxx' and stick her love letter onto her bedroom wall.

Hahahahaha!! I wonder who is the boy that stole her heart?!



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