
Showing posts from May, 2012

Bali: Padangbai

I am heading to Sri Lanka tomorrow, so before that, let me feed you a dose of my previous trip to Bali!!  :) * Continuing from Bali: Nusa Lembongan con't * Kenny and I left Sanur Jetty in our rented car and headed towards our next destination, Padangbai. On our way there, I saw little moving patches up in the sky. "QUICK! Follow them :)!!' I exclaimed. Is this how Balinese spend their leisure? Flying kites :)? I echoed in my head. That really got me excited! cause I haven't flew one for a long lonngg time. So Kenny bought one in the supermarket. Say hi to Dragon everyone! Whee~!! Can't wait for Dragon to join them. But hor......we got a situation here. Neither Kenny nor me know how to fly one. How leh?? =.="" ...... So we got the local kids to give us INTENSIVE kite flying tuition. Here comes the crash course: Tip 1: Run and release the thread to fly Dragon up Tip 2: when Dragon is coming down, run TOWARDS it to make it back...

Last Chapter of Life (Part 5 - 无奈篇)

累,身心疲惫。这种累并不是休息一两天就会好的。这两个月里没睡个安稳觉,只要时间一到她又开始胡言乱语。我心里闷着,怎么哄她她都不受,她固执到所有东西都要听她的才罢。 长这么大,第一次跟阿嬷换尿片,真是不知所措。憋着难为的异味,我将睡衣滴上茅草精油来掩盖异味,我心想着,我来换好过让老妈来换。我为她做的事,坦白说很多时候并不是出自爱意,只是不希望让我老妈来伺候,又或者出自同情。 第一个月,我也忍了;第二个月,我开始受不了了。 这种每晚的噩梦什么时候会结束呢?这几天,她更难照顾。就拿昨晚来说,她先是胡言乱语,拼了命的就是要起床蒸糕点来买。她一发病就是这样,又活在几十年前,我就像穿梭时空一样,回到了她当时的生活。每当我劝他好好休息,时间还早,就会被她骂。看着她,我愣在那儿,一个患有肝癌和脑癌的老人家,怎么会有这种力气骂人呢?我唯一的解释就是她活在过去,而我所看到的是她在那时候的呈现。 眼前的她,真得好凶啊!苦了我老妈,忍了她这么多年。换了是我,我早就反抗了。机灵的老妈骗她说,她会帮她弄好糕点的,叫阿嬷好好休息就是了。这招我用过,可就是行不通,都怪我啊,在家没蒸过一次糕,我说了阿嬷也不信。 凌晨两点多,我听到似塑胶袋摩擦的声音;完了!那是阿嬷抓痒的声音,我的噩梦又来了,甭睡了!我迷迷糊糊的起床,拿着冰帮她冰敷止痒。心里纳闷着,真搞不懂为什么她吃了很强的止痒药了还是没办法止痒 =.="。 这几个礼拜一到早上五六点钟,阿嬷就开始叫我起床,可是,我都还没好好的睡到呢!她就是不罢休,她把身子侧到一旁看着我睡,执意叫我起来。天啊!!!就不能让我好好休息吗?她影响了我的生活,没的运动,没的休息。我快疯了! 上个星期,我开始觉得舌头好像变大了顶着喉咙,让我觉得呼吸困难好像氧气不足挺难受的。见了医生,他照了照我喉咙,说‘喉咙没问题啊’,可能使胃酸倒流或压力造成的。我吃了几天的胃药,没见好转,我也没多想了。直到今天,老妈跟我分享说,照顾阿嬷这段日子,她也快受不了了!!好想大大声的喊出来,让心里好过一点。这时我才明白,我呼吸困难是照顾阿嬷的压力造成的。 我和老妈已经给她折腾了一段日子,还要受多久阿? 我很累,我很无奈,我快疯了!谁能救救我呀?

Last Chapter of Life (Part 4)

I-AM-VERY-FRUSTRATED!!!!!!! .............. ....................................... ................................. ........................................... ................................ That was what I typed few hours ago just right before I was called into the room. It's Friday, Mom and Dad had a wedding dinner to attend, my Bro and my SIL had family gathering. I have to stay back home to look after my granny. Somehow she is so hard to please tonight. She kept saying she had just passed motion, but when I opened up her diaper, nothing was found. Just imagine that happen repeatedly.....and I meant......EVERY FEW MINUTES......FOR THE NEXT 3 HOURS!!!......*I am not kidding, it's 11ish now* I didn't finish reading the SAME newspaper article that I read 4 hours ago (7ish), my dinner took me 1 hour to finish (8ish). That was not it. She doesn't understand what I told her: if you want to BO, it's totally OKAY to BO on your diaper that is what it is there...